Title: Wolf Tales
Author: Kate Douglas
Publishing Date: 2006
Genre: Paranormal (Erotic)
Rating: C+
Sensuality: Burning
Wolf Tales is the first book in Kate Douglas' erotic Chanku series. The Chanku are a race of people who can shift into a wolf because of special dietary foods. They are polyamorous, meaning that they have sex with all members of the pack. Alexandria, Xandi for short, has a bad accident at night in a snow storm. When she wakes up she finds herself in the arms of a very virile man. It's not until the morning after does Xandi realize that Stephan is half wolf and half man. Stephan expects Xandi to be disgusted by him, but to Stephan's surprise Xandi wants to help Stephan return to his normal self.
Wolf Tales is a very sexually explicit book. Anything and everything goes in this book. Just so you know, there are muliple bed partners. If that kind of thing squicks you out, then Wolf Tales won't be for you. Personally, I found it really refreshing that the characters embraced their sexuality - quirks and all. They were very free about sex as it is a big part of their lifestyle. Sexuality is embraced and no one is made to feel shame for their voracious appetites.
Being an erotic novel, much of the plot obviously focused on sex. I would have liked to have seen more character development between Stephan and Xandi. I felt like I was being told of their relationship development instead of being shown through actual scenes in the story. However, the concept sure is an interesting one and certainly entertaining. I would advise not to look for a deep meaningful read with this one, though.
This book can be purchased in print or kindle format from Amazon
I read a few books in this series. Definitely not for the faint of heart. But I just couldn't deal after a while.
I haven't read this series yet, but have heard great things!!! Great Review!!! I have a blog award for you here
I read this books last year - and yep, the concept sure was an interesting one :) It was a nice book and I've read one shorter story after it. I'll probably try her other Wolf Tales books later...
This is one of my least favorites of the series because, like you said, more was needed in Stephan and Xandi's development.
i have read this one and a novella from this series. It was actually the first romantica book that I bought new from the store. Definitely not for the faint of heart. I enjoyed it and like you said, their openess about their sexuality. Eventually i hope to get to the others in the series but so many books...
I'm up to book 6? on this series. You're right... all sex-based. There are other books that are better than this one. I think I liked book 3? best when it comes to the erotica, and there are others with better development between the partners. I did pace myself reading these... there's a danger of overload.
Ames - Yeah I imagine after a while it might get to be too much.
Lover of Romance - Thank you for the award! That is so sweet :)
Maija - There are a lot of books in the series. I imagine that it is smart not to read them all at once.
Leslie - So which one is your favorite?
Kris - There are a lot of books. I'll let you borrow my collection :)
Hilcia - Yeah, I can totally see the danger of overload. I plan to space these ones out. I'll look forward to trying book 3.
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