I have recently been the recipient of a little ol' award that has been circulating around the blogisphere. I am sure many of you will recognize it. I have been honored by Amy of Amy's Corner of the World and Nath of Books Books and more Books. I have to say a couple days prior to winning this award I was having some doubts as to whether or not people like my blog and if I should continue doing it. I tend to wonder if I am just talking to myself. Are people really interested in what I, Joe Schmoe, have to say? I am sure fellow newbie bloggers can relate to this issue. Then a reader comes along and lets you know that they do like your blog and appreciate your candor. So Amy and Nath, thank you very much, you have made my day!
The rules for this award are that you need to:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!
I would like to nominate:
KristieJ and Katiebabs for Ramblings on Romance etc. This was one of the very first blogs I ever started reading. I remember being glued to the computer when was at RWA in Dallas. She made me feel like I was sharing the experience with her. Kristie and Katie's' personalities really shine through in all their posts and they have come to feel like close friends.
I would also like to nominate the ladies over at The Book Binge. Each lady has different tastes and they review tons of books in all the different genres of romance. Plus they hold tons of contests and who wouldn't love that? I have even won a few of them myself. Although, now that their popularity has gone through the roof, I have more competition!
Jessica at Racy Romance Reviews is a new blogger. She just started blogging back in August. I really like her thoughtful commentary on romance. She tends to make me stop and think and she poses very intriguing questions about books. Bravo Jessica! Keep up the good work!
Keishon from Avid Book Reader is also another blogger who has been around a while. Keishon is very thorough in her reviews and she reviews more than just romance. She and I have very similar tastes in books. As a matter of fact, every time I have read a book on her recommendation I have never been let down.
I also want to nominate Christine from The Happily Ever After... Christine and I also share a similar taste in books. Her reviews - when she gets around to writing them :) - are very thought provoking and insightful. Not only does she review books, but she tells stories about what is going on in her life as well. I feel like I know Christine as a good friend.
Last but not least I want to give a shout out to Jace, Brie and Nath. When I first started my blog they were a few of the first people to start leaving comments. They made me feel welcome in the blogging community and I will never forget that. We don't always see eye to eye when it comes to our book preferences but that doesn't seem to matter. I love that we can respectfully disagree and don't have to worry about hurt feelings! Thank you ladies for letting me just be me.
*updated* Jace just nominated me too! Thanks Jace and right back at you babe!
Aw thanks! ((HUGS))
Awwwww - thank you and ((((hugs))) from me too!
Thank you so very much for the nomination and your lovely comments. I was actually just composing some nominations of my own. You'll have to check it out tomorrow. ;-)
Jill, if you ever think seriously about giving up the whole blog thing, I'll cry. We Winter Haven girls got to stick together! Oh, ok -- I'm a W.H. girl by-proxy since John (my beloved honey) is actually from the town, not me... ;-)
I enjoy the reviews! You'd better keep it up!
Wait a second. What do you mean you were contemplating abandoning your blog?!???!!! I don't think your allowed to do that. ;)
You said: I have to say a couple days prior to winning this award I was having some doubts as to whether or not people like my blog and if I should continue doing it. I tend to wonder if I am just talking to myself. Are people really interested in what I, Joe Schmoe, have to say? I am sure fellow newbie bloggers can relate to this issue. Then a reader comes along and lets you know that they do like your blog and appreciate your candor.
You know, Jill, I totally understand. Even till today, after 1+ years, I still occasionally wonder the way you did. Whether it's worthwhile to keep on blogging.
You said: When I first started my blog they were a few of the first people to start leaving comments. They made me feel welcome in the blogging community and I will never forget that.
You know, we were/are RT forum girls, so of course I'd support you! LOL That aside, I KNOW what it feels like to be "outside looking in" hence how important the support-system is.
You said: We don't always see eye to eye when it comes to our book preferences but that doesn't seem to matter. I love that we can respectfully disagree and don't have to worry about hurt feelings! Thank you ladies for letting me just be me.
Hey, where's the fun if we'd agreed on everything?! LOL You go on being yourself ... after all, THAT'S why we keep coming here! *grin*
Yes, we are listening, Jill. And you deserve the love. I'm always in awe of how many books you are able to read and review in just a weeks time. I wish I had your commitment. Kudos!
Hi Jill,
Thank you very very much. What a surprise!
And please, like everyone is saying, don't give up blogging. It is so important that the high quality blogs persist!
I don't have a lot of readers, and I'm guessing if I keep posting about all the things that bug me in romance, I never will, but the readers and commenters I do have -- including YOU -- are outstanding, and I'm happy enough to have a conversation with that sensational group.
Thanks again!!
I saw your link on Wendy's blog and thought I'd come over and say hi. :) The cool thing about this award is that I get to see blogs nominated that I didn't know about before -- like yours. So, Hi! I look forward to reading more of your reviews. Oh, and I have a blog too at http://www.capitalromance.wordpress.com
I love your blog, Jill :) I like your reviews, they're really good :)
and we're interested in hearing what you have to say ;)
Congrats on your award and keep up the good work!
Jill and Jace,
I read every post you two put up. I've found many excellent books because of you both. Neither of you better give up blogging, and don't doubt that we love you. =)
And THANKS SO MUCH for giving BB this award. You're so sweet!
Holy Crap on a stick! I feel so loved!!! I had no idea. Honestly, I didn't and I wasn't fishing for compliments or anything. Thank you everyone for your kind words.
Amy, Your husband grew up here?! Wow, what a small world! Is his family still living here? If you are ever in the area maybe we could meet for dinner or something.
Hi Jessica and welcome to my blog! I do believe I recently found your blog capital romance the other day. It's a great site. Thanks for stopping by!
Yep, Jill, he grew up in W.H. and has a few family members down there. His mom was a biggie in the orange industry business and actually wrote a newsletter or newspaper, or something. I'll definitely keep you in mind when we're down that way next - he's hoping we get to FL for vacation next year for sure!
Oh no, don't doubt that you're loved, I really really love your blog! Seriously...I love the way it looks, the way you review and I love a lot of the books that you review. You guys are great, don't ever stop!
Amy, I actually do research on citrus trees for the University of Florida. Citrus is really big in Winter Haven. Well, I'd love to meet you if given the chance. Keep me updated!
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