Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Central Florida Blogger Meet Up!

Kris, from The Reading Spot and I are organizing a Central FL book blogger get together. On February 13th, we will be meeting in Orlando for lunch and then heading out for (what else)- book shopping! Please email either Kris at (froggykm at gmail dot com) or I (email is under my profile) if you are interested in joining us. We plan on doing this regularly, so be sure to send us an email if you are interested, even if the 13th doesn't work for you. We want to make sure you are on the list for next time. Details will go out via email as soon as everything is nailed down. It is sure to be a fabulous time!! I think we can give those So. Cal. bloggers a run for their money!


Lori said...

I'm so glad you and Kris are doing this, Jill. Meeting those folks around you that share an interest in the same books as you do is so wonderful! Especially because IRL it doesn't happen that often.

Enjoy! And yes, give us a run for our money :) What? You think tiny text is going to hide that comment? Heh.

Christine said...

This is a great idea, Jill. I was thinking of doing the same thing for NJ bloggers. I see Katiebabs a few times a year, but I know of at least three others who live even closer to me than she, so it's sill for us not to meet! LOL @ Lori and the tiny text!! ;o)

Stacy~ said...

Sounds fun! I love living in Chicago where I can meet up with other readers and even some authors too. Hope you have a wonderful time :)

Wendy said...

The first "official" So. Cal. Blogger gathering consisted of me and Rosie. True story. From there we started inviting more bloggers as we "discovered" them - and now they're probably all trying to escape our clutches - LOL.

You guys will have such a great time! Can't wait to read all about it!

Rowena said...

Getting together with the So Cal Bloggers is always such a good time. My first time I almost didn't go because I was too nervous about meeting everyone for the first time but I'm so glad that Daphne and I drove out there to see everyone. It was a really good day and I love getting together with these gals!

I hope you guys have loads of fun at your meet up. It's definitely a good thing because seriously, we all need us a great big group of book gals.

nath said...

I hope you have a good turn out, Jill :D But even if there's only you and Kris, it'll be fun! :D

Brie said...

Have fun, ladies! I haven't come across any book bloggers in my state, but if I ever do, a get together will be a must.

Kristie (J) said...

Sounds wonderful!! There is nothing like getting together with a group of bloggers you've known onlline for a while and spending time in person!! I hope you get a great turnout.

Jill D. said...

Lori - Hee, hee hee! Yeah, maybe if it wasn't in big print you might miss that comment :)

Christine and Stacy - I don't know why I never thought to do this before. But I am really glad I am doing it now and I do hope it becomes something we do on a regular basis.

Wendy - Well it might just be me and Kris this first time too, LOL! I will definitely do a post on it. I hope I can remember to take my camera. I am really bad about remembering to take pictures.

Rowena - Awwwww... we DO all need a group of gals to talk with about our passion for books.

Nath - Yeah, it might just be me and Kris, but that's okay. We will definitely have a great time!

Brie - Yeah, you are a little isolated out there on your island!

Kristie - I hope so too! I'd love to put a face with the name. That's always fun!

Kris said...

I cannot wait!! :)

M said...

I'm so excited for you guys..but jealous too. Why don't you just come to SoCal and become part of our group? :D

I remember Rowena calling me at that first meeting (I was running always) and whispering, "Where are you!?!" heh So much fun.

Y'all are going to have some great memories from this.

Rowena said...

LOL, I so remember that. Me and Daphne sat in the car for so long before we finally just sucked it up and went into Borders to meet everyone. I'll never forget hearing Rosie before I saw her. =P

Jill D. said...

Holly and Rowena - Don't count me out. At some point I just might make it out to California. Be on the look out :)

Jill D. said...

Holly and Rowena - Don't count me out. At some point I just might make it out to California. Be on the look out :)